Highlands’ 1 Year Rate Lock Extended Program! Highlands Residential Mortgage is excited to share our newest way to help buyers in new construction. Our Extended Rate Cap Program will guarantee and protect your client’s interest rate for up to 360 […]
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Out of State Investing
IRS Revenue procedure regarding Section 199A, it affects you and how you calculate your taxes.
Once again IRS revenue procedures have been updated. In this case, the changes relate to businesses. These savings may be garnered with an additional deduction of up to 20% of the taxpayers qualified business income, for non-corporate taxpayers, operating through […]
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How Many Loans Will the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Lend to Investors?
In 2009, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac rolled back the mortgage rule that prevented real estate investors from financing more than 4 properties per borrower. At the time, investors were limited to 4 properties financed, which included their primary residence. […]
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Nearly Half of Foreclosures Wrapped up in Five States
As foreclosure numbers continue their downward spiral, the data showed that almost half of the nation’s completed foreclosures for the 12-month period ending on April 30, 2016, were locked up in five states, according to CoreLogic. Florida, Michigan, Texas, Ohio, […]
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Majority of Renters Plan to Stand Pat
Rents may be rising and consumers may be feeling the crunch when it comes to their personal finances, but 70 percent of renters still believe that renting is more affordable than owning a home and 55 percent of renters plan […]
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6 Reasons to Invest in Single-Family Homes
Making investments to build wealth and secure your future is very important, and an excellent way to add to your portfolio is through real estate ownership. When you first get into property investment, though, there’s one big question you’ll need […]
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Renting vs. Buying for Millennials: 3 Cities to Consider
While buying is largely considered financially savvier than renting on a national level due to almost historically low interest rates and increasing rents in major metros, loan restrictions and struggling to save for a down payment while renting delays homeownership […]
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